May 2013 Colloquium


The 2nd Fried-Gal Colloquium on Transitional Justice


The Hebrew University's Faculty of Law and Minerva Center for Human Rights are pleased to announce the 2nd Fried-Gal Colloquium on Transitional Justice, which will comprise four sessions during the month of  May 2013.

Focusing on Interdisciplinary Perspectives, the Colloquium will explored the question of how issues of transitional justice are presented and represented in a variety of disciplines and contexts informing an emerging field. Participants from various disciplines will present on current scholarship relating to the growing literature on transition in international law, political science, philosophy and sociology.


The Fried-Gal Colloquium on Transitional Justice is chaired by Prof. Ruti Teitel, Visiting Professor of Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Ernst C. Stiefel Professor of Comparative Law at New York Law School – and one of the preeminent scholars in the field. Guest speakers included:
 Dr. Pierre Hazan of the University of Geneva,
Dr. Alexander Kedar of Haifa University,
Prof. Michal Alberstein of Bar-Ilan University
Adv. Eitan Diamond of the International Committee of the Red Cross.


The full schedule of colloqium session is available here. 

The Fried-Gal Colloquium is made possible by the support of the Gal Foundation, a New York based family foundation that helped launch The Fried-Gal Transitional Justice Initiative to develop and support much of the Transitional Justice Program at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


